Baselining Your ScaleUp Executive Team
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To learn how to baseline your ScaleUp to ensure that the new hire executive can cover gaps necessary to position your ScaleUp for growth.
Know how and when to baseline our ScaleUp in terms of executive needs
Ensure all functional areas are covered under a CEO in a ScaleUp
Realize why a ScaleUp strategic product executive is not "a one-size fits all"
Consider challenges ahead, skills requirements, capabilities, organizational design, and stage of growth in aligning a strategic product executive into the C-Suite
Purpose and Objectives
FREE PREVIEWC-Suite Assessment Framework
FREE PREVIEWAssessing The Need Of An SPE Within A ScaleUp Company
Baselining Your ScaleUp Executive Team
ScaleUp Edge C-Suite Self Assessment Rubric
Executive Assessment Framework
One Pager for Company and C-Suite Planning Tool
C-Suite Planning Tool
Stand Alone Training