Purpose & Objectives

When growing your career and business in the fast-paced ScaleUp ecosystem, your network and sphere of influence are often neglected — this can be a costly mistake. Becoming A ScaleUp Executive Influencer uses proven techniques to ensure you stay top of mind and share your value to grow and cultivate an effective network for the benefit of your career (and business).

  • Get started on your journey as an Executive Influencer. Establish your baseline network connections. Show up consistently on social media platforms.

  • Break into the ScaleUp ecosystem. Learn about the strengths of other ScaleUp experts. Find ways to leverage their expertise. Show others that you're a team player.

  • Create original content. Build thought leadership. Build trust amongst your followers by sharing your leadership expertise.

  • Leverage network credits. Reach out to new audiences. Offer your expertise to various third-party platforms. Extend your networks.

  • Expand and maintain inner networking circles. Get help on-demand from your network. Move from pyramid to pinwheel. Do things in continuous flow.

Here's what's inside...

    1. Outcomes

    2. Begin Your Network Outreach

    3. Time For A Quick Workout

    1. Outcomes

    2. Begin To Publish Your Original Content

    1. Outcomes

    2. Leverage Your Network

    1. Outcomes

    2. Expand And Maintain Your Network

Check it out!

  • Five 20 Minute Multimedia Lesson
  • Interactive PDFs
  • Targeted Resources

ScaleUp Executive Influencer Playbook

Stand Alone Training

Brandon Hall Excellence Award

Executive Influencer Award

“One of the primary authorities within our industry has awarded Infopro Learning & ScaleUp Edge Best Unique or Innovative Learning & Development Program for the ScaleUp Executive Influencer Program!